Thursday, August 30, 2012

Limon's Epic Quest for Iphone

 The evil wizard Zolo has curse the land and has awaken the evil souls to cause havoc and destruction. Play as Limon armed with his might sword to hack and slash his way through zombie's, evil eye's and reanimated knight's. Limon also can sommon up 3  types of magic Light,Holy, and Dark magic whenever the enemies try to surround him. Travel through castle's, dungeon's, and even a futuristic world to defeat the evil soul's and take down the evil wizard Zolo!!

Comming Soon to iphone/ipad/ipod touch
2G,3G,3Gs,4G compatible!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

New Graphics for upcomming levels in Castlevania type iphone game

I have spent 2 days making 5 backgrounds, 2 of them I ended throwing out. Today was just doing tweaks to really flesh out the action and make it smoother. I added 3 step animation to the main charactor. I also have been working on graphically enhancing the backgrounds and platforms for the next couple of levels.

Todays work

-Enhancing graphics for the new levels

-Making tweaks to make the action sliky smooth and non-stop

-Finishing the coding on the expierence bar and deciding how much expierence you gain from collecting coins.

Here are some new screenshots Enjoy!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Added elements to enhance gameplay exp.

OK this is the 4th update , with new added gameplay elements. I was trying to figure out what was missing in the gameplay I had the enemies, regular and magic attacks, and collectible health potion. So I needed a scoring system but wanted to tie it in to unlock another gameplay feature. After some thought, the scoring system will unlock an extra gameplay mode. When you defeat enemies they drop collectible coins, which add to your experience meter. When your experience meter is full another gameplay mode will unlock on the main screen.
Also some of the beta-testers wanted a more realistic looking sword, so I redid the sword graphics to make it more eye friendly. Plus I added a flying enemy , at 1st I was going to add a bat but decided that was to generic. I ended up making a flying eyeball enemy with a random pattern of attack.
Percent of the game done
Coding: 70%   done
Graphics:50% done

Newly Added Stuff

- New Sword Animation

-Scoring and experience meter, once you reach the maximum experience level you will unlock a new gameplay mode on main menu.

-Introducing a new flying enemy

Here is some new screenshots

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Adding Magic to New Castlevania type iphone game in development

       Beta-testers wanted a new magic animation, they didnt like the lighting magic. So I went back to the drawing board and made a new magic animation, beta-testers responded well with even one beta-tester calling the magic animation "epic"!! Also some of beta-testers were wondering about collectables , I added the health potion and working on other collectables for the game.
Here are some new screenshot of the new magic animation and new level.
Whats New

-New Epic Magic Animation
-Health Potion Power-up

Update on Castlevania type iphone platformer in development

Ok after some feedback from beta-testers , we have come to the conclusion that magic will be included in the game. So in this new screenshots you will see some new buttons added which are
-Magic button
-Health bar
-Magic bar

We came to the conclusion that the game would be too boring if I didnt include an alternate attck mode. The magic attack will kill basically any enemy with one hit. You get 4 magic uses per level , so use them wisely. Also we re-programmed the hit-box area of the main charactor and started working on art for more enemies and trap types. Also had to change the whip to a sword just in case Konami had a problem with whip in games.
This is a big project thats been in development for a while, and I will keep you updated everyday or every other day with new screenshot and info on the game.
Click on images if you want to enlarge them.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Epic Quest under development (Castlevania type game for iphone)

   I always loved the castlevania series on nintendo, Super nes, ds, platstation,etc. I looked around the appstore but didnt see any game that fit the bill, which is surprising since the appstore has been around for a long time. After making a couple of casual games, I decided to look for a challenge.
    The castlevania type iphone game Iam working on is 70% done . The biggest challenge was to see what I could keep and what I had to leave out. The problem with the iphone/ipod is limited space for controls. I was able to fit a left ,right,jump, and attack button but Iam still having trouble figuring where the special attack button should be. Thats the toughest part so far , where to put the freaking special attack button or should I leave it out?
   For the graphics I went with the castlevania handheld version style , which is a simplified version of the playstation classic.Here are some screenshot's , I will try to post something new every 3rd day. Enjoy!!